Tuesday, April 17, 2007


The goal of the Federal Trade Commission has cahnged over the years. When it was founded in 1914, its main purpose was to act as a trustbuster and break up unfair corporations. Now they help set standards for many commercial industries. It is their job to make sure that corruption does not happen in American industries. They make sure that frauds and other scams are controlled, and report to Congress regularly about their findings. They also strive to help the consumer through plain-english directions, ad regulation, and many more useful tools. It is a critical organization and very beneficial to America.

Wilson's Inaug!

Wilson says that his inauguration is not a day of success but a day of dedication because he treated his inaguration as the start of his career as president, a career that he found full of challenges that he was willing to tackle. In this statement, he was telling the American people that although inauguration was a time when most presidents-elect celebrate their victories, he was going to be willing and ready to get cracking on work and start solving the problems that he promised he would solve: a great public relations move on his part.